Started looking into the
lettering and heralds to see what color, font, etc. were needed.
Couldn't find a font that matched the one needed. The font that
Southern Pacific used was "Railroad Roman" but it didn't match what was
in the Daylight books I have. I decided to make my own font. The
lettering in the books were scanned in my computer. A font program was
used to "clean up" the image and create a True-Type font. It will be
used on both the engine and tender. The Daylight actually used an
outline of the letters/numbers and colored the inside an "aluminum
bronze". Here is the font "outlined" and black "filled".

Information was also gathered to
determine where all the lettering and heralds go, the sizes, colors,
contents, etc. Still need to get the decals made. Most likely I'll
farm this out to someone who has the proper decal material. |