I'll Take a Side
of Rods to go with that...
I wanted the side
rods to be similar to the GS-4. The only way I could do that was to
hand make them. Up to this point, the plans from "Little Engines" were
being followed. Measurements from the prototype drawings were taken and
made new drawings to scale. Bearings will be placed on all rotating
parts and had to find ones that fit in the space I had to work with.
Once the bearings were found, the drawings were completed and machining
began. The pieces were cut to size, then they were drilled and bored to
a light push fit for each bearing. I wanted to make sure that they were
the right size before I spent hours making them look pretty.

next step was to use the mill to put a profile on it.

I then rough cut
the outside profile with my band saw, milled as much away as possible,
filed for several hours and sanded by hand for more hours. Each side
rod took me about 20 hours (there are 6 of them). Here they are all
happy together.

I must have
quartered the wheels/axles properly because they turn without any
Happy days!