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Taffy Puller

And now...  for something completely different!

I had the opportunity to learn about and make a taffy puller.  At first, the web was searched to see if anyone offered a small (non-commercial) taffy puller.  Didn't find anything that could be used for a reasonable price so I decided to build one.  To my amazement, there are several web sites that had formulas for making one!  Here's a link to one of them >>> The Mathematics of Taffy Pullers <<<  Didn't realize taffy making was so complicated.

After spending several hours designing one to my liking, it was time to build it.  It's a fairly simple machine using bicycle chains, gears, bearings, rods, etc.  It's made to be powered by a commercial Hobart N50 mixer.  It also fits a KitchenAid but is only 12" high compared to the Hobart which is 15-11/16" high.


Here's a picture of it all put together. 


To see it in action, click this link >>> Taffy Puller



Home What's New Building the Daylight Daylight Tender Observation Car Engine Stand Gondolas Gauge Bell Ringer Air Pump Gas Switcher Taffy Puller



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Last modified: 11/22/2021.