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#46 Inaugural Run

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It's Alive!

Took the Daylight out for it's inaugural run on Sunday October 5, 2008.  What a great time.  Couldn't be happier with the results.  Have some minor adjustments to make but overall, she ran great.  It steams up and keeps a head of steam easily.  I made it around the club track without loosing pressure even though I was still figuring out how to adjust everything to get her to run smoothly.  As you can see from the pictures, it doesn't look like a Daylight yet except for the smokebox door and side rods/valve gear.  Now that I got the mechanical parts done I can concentrate on the skyline casing, the skirting and the front pilot per the Daylight.  Oh, and the all important red-orange paint scheme.  Here's a few pictures of the event.

Here she is just loaded off the trailer.  It was the first time the tender was connected to the engine.  Had to cut hoses to length and put the ends on and make sure everything fit without interference.


Here I am going around the track for the first time.


As you can see from my face, I am having a great time.  Ran the engine for over 4 hours straight!

Here's a few videos on YouTube

Daylight Steam-Up

Daylight First Run


Now for the Post-Steam-up review and tweaks...

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#01 So It Began #2 Frame #3 Drivers #4 Quartering #5 Trucks #6 Frame & Wheels #7 Side Rods #8 Cylinder Boring #9 Cyl/Valve Liners #10 Cyl/Valve Cover #11 Pistons & Valves #12 Cyl Assembled #13 Boiler #14 Suspension #15 Crosshead #16 Brakes #17 Link Support #18 Bell #19 Crosshead (again) #20 Connecting Rod #21 Stationary Runner #22 Smokebox #23 Valve Gear #24 Running on Air #25 Piston Rings #26 Axle Pump #27 Plating #28 Lubrication #29 Blast Nozzle #30 Stack #31 Steam Turret #32 Burner Manifold #33 Mounting Brackets #34 Boiler Insulation #35 Jacketing #36 Cab #37 Throttle #38 Reverse Lever #39 Track Test #40 Smokebox Access #41 Electric Blower #42 Turbulators #43 Burner Test #44 Piping #45 Cab (part 2) #46 Inaugural Run #47 Post Steamup #48 Smokebox Lights #49 Running Boards #50 Pilot #51 Skirting #52 Paint #53 Lettering #54 Whistle #55 Skyline Casing #56 Fuel System Mods #57 Odds and Ends #58 Turbos

Home What's New Building the Daylight Daylight Tender Observation Car Engine Stand Gondolas Gauge Bell Ringer Air Pump Gas Switcher Taffy Puller



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Last modified: 04/06/2018.