Pedal to the Metal...
Been working on the
throttle. The Daylight's throttle is in the smokebox. I used
an ANSI fire rated SS ball valve for the throttle to handle the
high heat and works great.

Needed to make several
parts by hand which took a bit of time. Here I made
modifications to the smokebox for the throttle.

(after running her on
steam, the lever below was extended 3/8" to give better throttle

This part is used half way
and is connected to the boiler.

Then I made the notches
for the throttle lever...

It made it large (and strong) enough so
I can get my hand around it and use some force without bending
anything. Definitely NOT to scale.

This is the mounting
bracket I made for the throttle lever.

Here is the whole throttle
setup with linkage and all. I have a temporary brass rod on the
rear portion to be replaced with SS as soon as I get it.