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Building the Daylight

For the past several years, weekends were spent in my garage building a replica of the Southern Pacific GS-4 Daylight in 1-1/2" scale.  During this time a lot was learned about machining, locomotives and all the sub-systems required to have a properly running engine.  Pictures were taken during construction and thought that I would share them with some comments for those who are interested.   The blogs are organized in chronological order and not by subject matter.  There may be a couple sections on the same subject due to modifications or something.  Enjoy...

Me doing research...   


Here's some more recent pictures of the Daylight.




And a couple videos of the first steam-up back in Oct 2008.

Daylight Steam-Up

Daylight First Run



My daughter Kelly taking it around the track.





#01 So It Began #2 Frame #3 Drivers #4 Quartering #5 Trucks #6 Frame & Wheels #7 Side Rods #8 Cylinder Boring #9 Cyl/Valve Liners #10 Cyl/Valve Cover #11 Pistons & Valves #12 Cyl Assembled #13 Boiler #14 Suspension #15 Crosshead #16 Brakes #17 Link Support #18 Bell #19 Crosshead (again) #20 Connecting Rod #21 Stationary Runner #22 Smokebox #23 Valve Gear #24 Running on Air #25 Piston Rings #26 Axle Pump #27 Plating #28 Lubrication #29 Blast Nozzle #30 Stack #31 Steam Turret #32 Burner Manifold #33 Mounting Brackets #34 Boiler Insulation #35 Jacketing #36 Cab #37 Throttle #38 Reverse Lever #39 Track Test #40 Smokebox Access #41 Electric Blower #42 Turbulators #43 Burner Test #44 Piping #45 Cab (part 2) #46 Inaugural Run #47 Post Steamup #48 Smokebox Lights #49 Running Boards #50 Pilot #51 Skirting #52 Paint #53 Lettering #54 Whistle #55 Skyline Casing #56 Fuel System Mods #57 Odds and Ends #58 Turbos


Home What's New Building the Daylight Daylight Tender Observation Car Engine Stand Gondolas Gauge Bell Ringer Air Pump Gas Switcher Taffy Puller



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Last modified: 03/02/2018.