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#15 Crosshead

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Scratching my (cross)Head...

Been working on the crossheads (which I bought from "Real Trains") and making the guides.  It was a bit difficult to get these machined accurately because of the design. 

First, I machines the crossheads, then I machined bar stock for the two piece guides.  I used a slitting saw on my mill to make the slots.  After a couple hours, I got the pieces to slide effortlessly without binding.



I then clamped the two piece sides together and used pins to hold it together as I drilled holes for the 8 bolts.


To hold the piston rod in the crosshead, I threaded the crossheads and piston rods, screwed it in the correct distance, then drilled a hole at a 45 degree angle and reamed it with a tapered reamer.  I then used a #4 tapered pin to hold it in place.  Here it is with only the piston ring grooves left to do.

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