The Frame up...
I never did any
metal working and had no experience using a lathe or a mill. I did tons
of reading and used the internet as much as possible for quick free
advice. Bought books on various subjects and now have a nice reference
library. Also got every "Live Steam" magazine from the 1960's to the
current issue and read them all.
The first
machining tool I bought was a used band saw. A good friend of mine
(Wayne) lent
me his milling machine (yes, that's right, he lent it to me!). I
started with the frame. I recall reading somewhere that it's
unfortunate that the frames are the first thing that needs to be done,
especially for a beginner since it's critical that they align properly
and can be difficult for an un-experienced machinist. I made the
journals from bronze and used ball bearings for the drivers. Here's the
picture of the finished frame taking up a good portion of my bench.

It's funning looking at these
older pictures as I noticed I painted the whole frame with "blue" marker
paint. Hardly use the stuff anymore. |