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#02 Frame

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The Frame up...

I never did any metal working and had no experience using a lathe or a mill.  I did tons of reading and used the internet as much as possible for quick free advice.  Bought books on various subjects and now have a nice reference library.  Also got every "Live Steam" magazine from the 1960's to the current issue and read them all. 

The first machining tool I bought was a used band saw.  A good friend of mine (Wayne) lent me his milling machine (yes, that's right, he lent it to me!).  I started with the frame.  I recall reading somewhere that it's unfortunate that the frames are the first thing that needs to be done, especially for a beginner since it's critical that they align properly and can be difficult for an un-experienced machinist.  I made the journals from bronze and used ball bearings for the drivers.  Here's the picture of the finished frame taking up a good portion of my bench. 

It's funning looking at these older pictures as I noticed I painted the whole frame with "blue" marker paint.  Hardly use the stuff anymore.

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#01 So It Began #2 Frame #3 Drivers #4 Quartering #5 Trucks #6 Frame & Wheels #7 Side Rods #8 Cylinder Boring #9 Cyl/Valve Liners #10 Cyl/Valve Cover #11 Pistons & Valves #12 Cyl Assembled #13 Boiler #14 Suspension #15 Crosshead #16 Brakes #17 Link Support #18 Bell #19 Crosshead (again) #20 Connecting Rod #21 Stationary Runner #22 Smokebox #23 Valve Gear #24 Running on Air #25 Piston Rings #26 Axle Pump #27 Plating #28 Lubrication #29 Blast Nozzle #30 Stack #31 Steam Turret #32 Burner Manifold #33 Mounting Brackets #34 Boiler Insulation #35 Jacketing #36 Cab #37 Throttle #38 Reverse Lever #39 Track Test #40 Smokebox Access #41 Electric Blower #42 Turbulators #43 Burner Test #44 Piping #45 Cab (part 2) #46 Inaugural Run #47 Post Steamup #48 Smokebox Lights #49 Running Boards #50 Pilot #51 Skirting #52 Paint #53 Lettering #54 Whistle #55 Skyline Casing #56 Fuel System Mods #57 Odds and Ends #58 Turbos


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