#04 Quartering

Well, after I
completed all the wheels and axles, it was time to quarter them. I made
two jigs. The jig to quarter the axles came from J. Nelson's "So you
want to build a ...". I stamped a "1" on top of one side, rotated it 90
degrees then flipped it over end over end and stamped a "2" on the top.
This would eliminate mistakes when flipping it around when machining.
It looked like this.

The jig for the
drivers was made out of a 1/4" plate steel with a pin (broached) the
size of the axle welded to the center. I then securely clamped the jig
to the milling table. After carefully centering it, I moved the mill
table/jig exactly 2" (half the stroke). I then mounted the driver and
drilled the eccentric hole using increasingly larger drills. Once I got
close to the size needed, I milled it with the special end mill/cutter
shown. This setup insured that all the drivers were machined the same.