The cab was made out of 15 ga
(1/16") sheet. It was made in 2 pieces for easier removing. It is held
in place by tabs sticking out of the frame into holes in the cab
bottom. After this photo was taken, I went out and got a de-humidifier
for my shop.

After some sanding and painting,
decals were made using myPC and added some pin-stripping. I wanted a
light on the front but didn't want to deal with plugging/unplugging the
wires every time I took the front cover off (to fill with gas). A
switch was rigged up that has a spring loaded pin which makes contact
with a plate mounted on the frame.

Here you can see all the
controls for the brakes, starter, lights, air compressor, throttle and
direction/speed lever. Also notice the air tank on top. The levers
where made to connect low so the body could come off without

Well, here it is all done.
Worked a couple bugs out and now it runs great. It is heavy enough to
pull my 2 gondolas with 6 people up a grade of 2%.