Hold On!!!
Finally got around to adding
handrails to the Daylight. Couldn't find the stanchions needed so
I ended up making them. Don't suggest you do that unless you have
some time to waste. Here are the 18 stanchions before painting.
The handrails were bolted to the
skyline casing. Care had to be taken to allow the skyline casing
to be removed with the newly installed handrails attached.
Stairway to Heaven, I mean the cab...
Decided to add a bit more detail
and added ladders and handrails to the cab. The Daylight has a
ladder that is "angled" in the middle. I couldn't be straight like
most engines. Nooooooo, it had to be more difficult to make!
I'm sure
many folks will tell me the ladders are bent.
Finally, an
1/8" scale engineer can get into the cab (and yes, the doors do